Register your club

Register your club

Bring your friends

The Westport Car Show Cruise & Shop is a great place for you and your friends to show off your club’s cars or trucks.

Special arrangements can be made for five or more cars from the same club to be parked together. And you can bring signs and flyers to promote your club!

Register for a chance to win

The Westport Car Show is open to clubs of all makes and models of cars and trucks from North America, Europe, and Japan — as well as unique custom builds.

All registered club vehicles are eligible to win an award in one of 14 categories. But you can’t win if you don’t register.

Visitors to the show grounds will have the opportunity to vote for their favorite registered vehicle in each category. The vehicle with the most votes in each category will take home the Fan Favourite trophy for that category.

Blue cars lined up all in a row

Register your club today

Pre-registration of all club rides is recommended. By registering your club rides in advance, you can ensure that you and your friends will be parked together.

Club parking in the show area will only be provided to pre-registered club rides. And we’re asking all pre-registered club drivers to arrive at the same time to make it easier to park your rides together.

So, register your club rides early and make sure to cruise in together!

Register by Email

You can pre-register by downloading and completing the PDF version of the registration form. Email your completed form and your etransfer payment to:

Registration is just $20 per vehicle. The first 200 registered vehicles will receive a show welcome package when they arrive the day of the show, which includes:

  • A Westport Car Show Cruise & Shop T-Shirt
  • A car show dash plaque

Please submit your signed registration form and full payment before July 15, 2024 to reserve your spot for this show.